Sunday, February 23, 2014

Winter's Wait and Wonderland

After our early snow at the end of autumn, winter took a long time to let us know it had really arrived this year.  Actually, in 2013 all the seasons seemed mild and confused about when to come.  So we enjoyed what felt like all four seasons during the start of the year.  Finally, in February, the cold broke through and the snow came.  We had almost a foot and a half at the deepest and didn't even try to go anywhere for a few days, except for adventures around the farm.  I don't think I would want it to be winter every day, but I think some of my favorite days of the year are when it snows and it feels like the world slows down and takes a moment to breathe and feel its wonder.

Sun light, finding its way:

Blue skies, blue bird:

Clouds in the valley, pink skies above:

The roosters and hens are all confused.  They think it's spring:

Bringing in the alpacas on a beautiful evening:

This grouse lives down in the woods and comes to say hello every day during our ventures down the trail.  It actually has flown up and sat on the ATV, and attacked Craig's glove.  We think it might have been hand raised at some point, but it seems happy to have made a home down in the woods, and we enjoy it's enthusiastic greetings.

Getting a closer eye:

This double rainbow spanned all the way across the North East sky:

And touched down back through the forest:

Deek, showing his age, enjoying the sun:

This is the sunset of the cold to come:

And finally, winter's snow.  Tux has mixed feelings about it; he'd like it more if it didn't keep landing on his head:

The Christmas trees, heavily covered:

A glimpse of color peeking through:

The chickens decided the snow days would be better spent in the coop:

This feels like magic.  Cold magic, but we love it.

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