Saturday, July 17, 2010

Spring and Summer, Rain and Shine

We sure did have a long rainy season this year! Hopefully the 200+ noble fir seedlings that Craig planted appreciated the water, as our cherry trees sure did not. In fact, the birds just finished eating the last of the few cherries from the trees. I think we ate a total of 5 that made it to ripeness before falling or being consumed by our flying friends. Plums, figs, and apples are looking promising and all the plants are enjoying the warm sun now, so hopefully they will ripen well. Craig also fenced in and planted a garden so we are looking forward to harvesting veggies very soon. And it's not just the plants that are delighting in the weather. All of us are, including Al and Paco who had their first shearing in May.

Freshly sheared:
Signs of spring:
Summer blooms:

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