Thursday, November 18, 2010

Fall is here, Winter is near.

Summer came and went, bringing beauty to our farm in many ways. Sun and warmth were welcome but fall is our favorite season so for us, things get even better as the air turns crisp. We love seeing the leaves change colors and feeling them crunch under our feet as we walk in the woods. The light peeks through the trees at a lower angle that emphasizes their height and majesty.
And there is harvest time. We enjoyed plums, figs, and blackberries in the summer, but the most delicious and bountiful crop this year was apples, particularly from our biggest tree. One of the littler trees that was fully covered in blackberries until Craig discovered it and cleared it from the vines the first year we were here also had a bumper crop. Getting the farm back in order is lots of work - a slow but very rewarding process. We were also excited when Craig discovered that we have three different kinds of grapes growing here. Last year he put fencing in around the grape vines so they did not get eaten by the deer. They were in much better shape to produce fruit this year and it was a surprise to see fruits in red and purple. Thankfully, Craig noticed when the robins started eating the grapes at a remarkable pace so he picked the rest so we could enjoy them too. We even had homemade raisins for the first time.
Now, one week before Thanksgiving, we are getting ready for Christmas tree season. It is such a special time of year for us and we truly look forward to opening our farm and sharing the season with the folks who come here as part of their holiday tradition. We love autumn, but we still find ourselves looking forward to winter.

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